My last Saturday in New York was an adventure. The plan was that seven of us would be going to Staten Island for roller-skating. Some others from our track went to Rockaway Beach instead. Those who were going to Staten Island were getting dressed up with fluffy voluminous styled hair, off the shoulder I <3 New York t-shirts, tights, shorts, headbands and knee high socks. Needless to say, we were a pretty noticeable group, but it was all in fun. Little did we know that the trip would take several hours and we would not end up going roller-skating at all. We took a ferry and a couple of buses in attempts to get to the rink. A couple of the girls had to turn back because they had to babysit in a few hours. And, after they left us, the bus driver dropped us off at an ice-skating rink in the middle of nowhere. This means no sidewalks, no shoulders on the road, woods around the building, no other buildings in sight, and the place was closed. After a few situations, we were able to make our way back to Manhattan by six that night (we had left at noon). It was actually kind of humorous rather than annoying. However, having not had much to eat that day, we quickly got ready after returning and went to dinner nearby. Later that evening I saw, “The Secret Life of Bees” and went to bed late. Oops.
Although Saturday did not turn out expected, it was nice to experience Staten Island in an unusual way and have some time with the girls. I looked forward to Sunday because I knew that I would be going to Brooklyn Tabernacle again. At one point during the service, they called down anyone who was unemployed and I went down and they prayed for us. It was very powerful and perfect timing since it was my last Sunday there. God’s planning for sure. The service spoke about not complaining in anything (Philippians 2:14-18). Something that the preacher stated that just really hit the point was, “Jesus didn’t murmur on the way to the cross when the disciples fought over “who was the greatest””. The Son of Man was going to overcome the sin of the entirety of mankind and He did not complain. Woah, I have no place to complain; I am messed up. That statement was a reality check. That day, I went with a few other girls to movie/t.v. sites throughout the city (for example the

Monday was a good day as well. It started off slow and with time focusing on God. At about two I saw a movie with one of the staff women, maybe you have heard of it. Inception? Yes, I hope you have. I wasn’t planning on going to movie while in New York, but she really wanted to see it and I enjoyed going as well. If you haven’t seen Inception, I highly suggest it! By the time the movie ended it was after 4, so we headed to our favorite coffee shop Grounded. There, I grabbed a latte and she got an Americano. I may or may not have seen some t.v. stars there, but I’m not certain of their names.

That night we got a chance to collectively praise God for what He had done on project by singing and sharing. We also got some time to fellowship while eating pizza and preparing letters for our supporters. We were reminded that it would be difficult to return home. Yet, it would also give us a chance to share what we had learned and continue to develop it. The speaker said something that was so true, but something that I tend to forget too often: “The degree to which we find worth in Christ will affect the degree to which we follow and give for Him”. My worth is shown when I fully follow God’s will for me. That’s what I seek often, or at least try to.

We went to Carmine’s in the Upper West Side for the (whole) project dinner; only a couple hundred of us. Dinner was served family style and had many courses. Throughout dinner we had bread, salad, two types of pasta, two types of meat, various desserts, and coffee. Needless to say, there was a lot a lot of food. It was good because it was time for us to just enjoy each other’s company. Dinner was very filling and although I received some bad news during dinner, I was excited for what followed dinner. We left Carmine’s for the Empire State Building where we would hear from the project director Ross, see an overview video, and (finally!) dance. Ross expressed his appreciation for the hard work of the project staff and presented them with “Tribeca” tote bags. The video was short and sweet, lasting for the duration of two songs and giving me a short time to ponder the entirety of project. In a few words, project was full of God’s glory, furthered my love for others because of God’s love, and reminded me of my human weakness. Maybe that wasn’t a few words, but it’s too difficult to be short about. I think that’s evident from my blog.
Since I’m fairly shy some of my friends were surprised at my excitement for dancing. They did not expect me to (really) dance which I found entertaining. I did not want the night to end. I did not want my time with project people to end. The dance and clean-up ended around 11 o’clock hour. I tried to find something to do with others. However, only a few of us ended up walking around Manhattan for a little bit and stopped at McDs. I was too full to get anything. Afterwards, I returned to my residence and went to the roof for the last time where I visited with a few girls. I ended up staying up until about two that morning in preparation to leave and attempting to prolong project.
The next day, a dear project friend and I rode a taxi to the airport together. (I hailed the taxi on the first try!) I tried to stay with her at the airport as long as I could; her flight was thirty minutes before mine. My flights went quickly, but not without a little hunger (my flight was around lunch time so I ate quite a few pretzels). I got some time to journal on the plane and start the reflection process. Almost two weeks later and I’m still reflecting. More on that next time.