If I think through this past year, it has brought on many changes.
I moved here a little over a year ago and SO much has happened.
Testament to God's plan and not my own I suppose.
Here's a quick run-down:
Moving for my first time ever, away from friends and family, and the only house I've ever lived in. [Granted I had three long-term stays away from my hometown, two months in New York State, three months in Italy & one+ months in NYC].
Having expectations change. One big one was expecting a friend to move with me.
Within the past year, I've had two good friends leave. One I worked with closely, the other was my first roommate.
God continues to change my support system and reminds me to be first relying on Him. Community is important and necessary, but needs to be grounded in Him first.
We need other people, but we need Him greatly.
He reminds me through my circumstances.
Unexpected situations may be more difficult than ones that we can anticipate.
Speaking, erm, writing of such...
It's been almost two weeks since Hurricane Sandy.
The first day, I spent bundled up in my home with one my roommates. Feeling little affect if any--mostly rattling windows and some chilling breezes. While, others experienced destruction. Some people are still without power. People lost their homes and possessions to flooding. Some people even died.
I think of these situations and see how God brings hope out of the ashes. The beauty of people coming together to respond to need. Why do we need a natural disaster for this? Perhaps uncertainty brings compassion out of us, because we cannot blame people for their situations. Even as I ponder that, I thank God for His calling of people to rise up and take action. Rise UP and respond, with grace, truth, and the love of Christ.
I'm thankful in a time such as this, that I am present amongst difficulty. Although my space was untouched, my work was less fortunate. We are feeling the affects of the storm surge, but are grateful for SO much. We feel overwhelmed in a good way as we see people serve us. We don't deserve such love. God is good. And more so, I get to respond to others' needs throughout the city.
And now, six days from our event, I continue to turn my head, to our current focus. BOX OF LOVE. Why provide thousands of families with Thanksgiving meals? God loves them! We want people to know this, so we serve, and strive to provide. So that, they know despite their circumstances, we notice them. More importantly, they are not forgotten by God.
We get to provide for more families this year, due to the storm.
I know and trust God uses the hardest of experiences to move in people. Let's see Him work and be amazed!