The night I arrived, I rode in a taxi to the city with another project person. We checked in and soon went to where the other project people were having dinner. We had a project overview following yummy pizza. Afterwards we broke up and headed back to our residences. I went with my roommate and her friends to get frozen yogurt.
On the 16th, we went to a meeting in the morning where the whole project met to have a devotional time and learn more about the city. There were over one hundred people together. After we had some more time to process where we were and what we were going to be doing, we were given some insight about the subway. After which, we were put into our “dinner groups” which mixes all the tracks…Our group decided to go to get lunch quickly and then head to China Town and Little Italy. It was great to just walk and look around. We walked to the Village and stopped here and there; just taking it all in. It was great to get to know some other students…well I’m not a student anymore and to enjoy that time with them. At about 4:30 we went to Rockefeller Center and took it to the top (67 flights)! Beautiful.

On the 17th, we FINALLY got to visit some of the ministry sites we could be working with (Before which we had some cross cultural training and some practice evangelizing). Unfortunately, not all the students in our group will get to go to the sites we visited. It was inspiring to see how the Holy Spirit had worked in these communities and people’s lives. We saw a local church and then a local ministry that are centered in the lower east side. The church helps supplement education in the community by offering after school programs, GED prep classes, and other such needs. It first started in one room and now is in a redone synagogue. The ministry we visited has children ministries, adult ministries, and other types. What was most awesome to me was their gang ministry. The pastor there has often worked with the police to avoid and calm gang violence. It was amazing to me, not because it’s not possible, but that God had worked in that man and his family so much for them to give sacrificially to others to help them. After visiting that ministry, we went to a mission homeless shelter that has existed for over 100 hundred years!

Yesterday, just our track went to Here’s Life Inner City’s main office for orientation. We learned more about our schedule and what to expect this summer. The part of orientation that felt most impactful to me was when we had an exercise to complete in groups. We were put in families and were given “money” to pay for a month of expenses. Our family was composed of five people, two parents and three children, living on $2300 a month. We had situations we encountered along the way that made it difficult for us to cover all of our expenses. We were not able to receive health care through our employment and had to get private health care, but then could not afford childcare or clothing for our family. It was certainly eye-opening and heart-breaking. Additionally, we were being as safe as possible with our money and did not spend any on entertainment or extra things. In the process, our “daughter”, found $20 and we had to keep it to pay for family expenses. I think people often have the assumption that families are in bad financial situations because they are frivolous with their money. However, I am probably more frivolous with my money than “our family” was being during the exercise. I’m excited that we will be working with families in these types of situations offering our skills, love, and the compassion of Christ. However, I also know they will have so much to offer us at the same time. I know I will appreciate more of what God has blessed me with in my life and be reminded that I was blessed so that I could help others more. After our orientation, we hopped on the subway to MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) and got in our “dinner groups” again. I love art. We saw photography, paintings, drawings, design, and architecture. I have included both a famous painting and a fave of last night below. We went to the lower east side again and had Indian food at this great place…the food was delicious. No, I did not get anything spicy.

Today, we will delve deeper into our track and learn more about the plans for us. We are also going to work on our testimonies. I will end this by sharing a verse my dear friend and previous discipler encouraged with me recently.
“Preach the good news. Be ready at all times and tell people what they need to do. Tell them when they are wrong. Encourage them with patience and careful teaching, because the time will come when people will not listen to the true teaching, but will find many more teachers who please them by saying the things they want to hear. They will stop listening to the truth and will begin to follow false stories. But you should control yourself at all times, accept troubles, do the work of telling the good news, and complete all the duties of a servant of God.” 2 Timothy 4:2-5.
Too often I get caught up in things that ultimately do not matter---like material things. Focusing on others, offering support, and loving them---sharing Christ, is what is important.
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