I did not expect you to be sitting on the edge of your seat and I hope you haven't because that would be a painful wait.
Pardon my delay in posting...
God has called me to stay in New York! [to intern a second year]
By now you probably know this, but I felt it is past due for me to expand.
At the beginning of this process, I spent a lot of time
talking with friends, praying, and contemplating where God may have me. Uncertainty is a hard place to be. This is one of many times when God holds me close.
I’m currently reading a book, “Not a Fan”, by Kyle Idleman,
which overall challenges my perception of how I follow God. In reference to my uncertainty and calling
though, this statement hit me, “Jesus wants followers who will say yes to him
before they even know the request. A
follower of Jesus says, “My answer is yes, now where did you want me to go?”
Jesus may point to Burma, or he may point across the street (180).”
What I’m trying to say, is that I desire to have a
willingness to serve anywhere.
Right now that means, God has me in New York. Sometimes that is difficult, like when I
spend time with dear friends, who understand calling or striving to serve
Christ, and I know I can’t see them all the time. Or, when it means not having Sunday coffee
with my mom after church because I’m too far away. Or, when I make friends in the city and then
they move away.
I don’t want to forget the beauty, too. Like, when God uses our ministry to show
children they’re loved. Or, when I get
to interact with fun families volunteering or visit the one who lives below
me. Or, when I get to enjoy a waterfront
God calls us regardless of the circumstances. Drop this
and pick up this. And by this, I mean the cross.
God never said following Him would be easy; in fact, there
are many examples in the Bible where followers have endured much
Uncertainty can be difficult, but knowing that you are being
called somewhere is powerful. That
challenge is a purposeful process where God brings me closer.
Those months of seeking Him and continue to seek Him as I
prepare to return to NYC. Refining. The process of which can be painful, but so amazing as I trust Him to provide. Thankfully,
I have been affirmed through many people as I pursue another year of serving
So, yes, to another year in ministry. Yes, to uncertainty. Yes, to risk and pain. For the sake of the love of Christ. For others to know Christ, through actions
and words. God, take me there.